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6th VELA International Focus Meeting

Dec 18 2020


This year the VAGINAL ERBIUM LASER™ ACADEMY comes to you!

Due to travel restrictions as a result of the current global pandemic, this year’s VELA meeting will be in the form of an online webinar, which will consist of a series of 10-minute gynecology lectures followed by 5-min discussions.

All registered attendees will receive a link to the webinar recording for future viewing in the event they are not able to watch it live.

The annual VELA meetings are designed to educate, inform and advance scientific research in the field of laser gynecology. Presentations are from highly respected international experts in the field of laser gynecology and urogynecology.

This year’s expert lecturers will include:


Scientific Secretariat:
Drs. Marco Gambacciani & Mauro Cervigni


Click here to Register!

About the Vaginal Erbium Laser™ Academy

The Vaginal Erbium Laser™ Academy is an independent scientific organization devoted to women’s health and quality of life by developing and implementing innovative Erbium Laser applications based on the Fotona SMOOTH® technology for functional vaginal restoration, including treatments such as SUI (Stress Urinary Incontinence), GSM (Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause – Atrophy), Vaginal Laxity, Prolapse Treatment, as well as Aesthetic Gynecology procedures.

For further information please visit the VELA website, where you will also find out how to become a VELA member and be a part of the largest study database for laser gynecology in the world!

We look forward to seeing you on December 18th!

Until then, here’s a quick look back at last year’s wonderful VELA meeting in Florence!