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Fotona’s Laser Gynecology Treatments Presented in Moscow

On February 26th, SportMed Import organized a one-day seminar held in Moscow’s prestigious “Polyclinic No.1”, in which two Fotona reference physicians, Drs. Sabina Sencar and Urska Bizjak-Ogrinc, presented their research. The results of their studies showed that the excellent improvements achieved with Fotona’s technology have lasted for at least 12 months, and at least a third of the patients have also maintained good results at 18 months post-therapy.

The results of Russian research conducted in the past year were also presented at the seminar. Four Russian centers presented their studies, two of which were from the most highly respected, elite Moscow gynecological clinics: Polyclinic No.1 and the Kulakov Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. Both studies showed excellent results in the healing and improvement of incontinence as well as the improvement of sexual gratification.

On the following day, February 27th, SportMed Import presented Fotona’s laser gynecology solutions at a major gynecology congress in Moscow on Cervix and Vulvovaginal Diseases. During the congress, the distinguished Prof. Elena Lipova presented her work with IntimaLase™ and IncontiLase™ to a very attentive audience.