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Problem - solution IntimaLase®

Lisa is Happy Again

Lisa always wanted a big family. She had three vaginal births during a six year period, the third being twins. Her dream was fulfilled. For some time she was so overwhelmed with caring for the kids, nursing, feeding, playing and running after toddlers that her sexuality was pushed aside. Luckily, after a while she had more free time and her libido returned. To her disappointment, the sex just did not feel the same. She felt that her vagina had widened due to the deliveries and hadn’t really gone back to the previous state. She still enjoyed having sex, but wished she could get the old feeling back. She heard about the IntimaLase® vaginal rejuvenation and tightening treatment from a friend, who couldn’t recommend it enough. Although quite skeptical, she made an appointment with her friend’s doctor.

The treatment was short and painless. She only felt some warmth and tingling. After avoiding sex for a couple of weeks as instructed, the first time after IntimaLase® already felt much better than before. Her husband felt the difference too. She felt more confident and satisfied. Lisa decided to have another two treatments, one month apart each, as the doctor said that three consecutive treatment sessions would deliver the best results. The results were phenomenal, much better than she ever hoped for. She enjoyed sex to the fullest again and regained her confidence, which made the biggest difference of all.